Our company has worked in the market of consulting services for over sixteen years now, actively expanding and broadening its range of activities.
Our company recruits qualified personnel in several stages, involving professional psychologists.
When selecting personnel for your company, we evaluate the candidates' professional level and their psychological features, and assess how successfully they will be functioning in your company.
Our aim is to select highly qualified specialists who will fit in your team easily. The cost of selection is equivalent to one to two monthly salaries of the specialist selected, depending on the complexity of the selection task set.
Follow-Up Support
- for follow-up orders, 10-15%;
- for multiple simultaneous personnel selection applications, 10-15%;
- when ordering other services with our company, 10-15%.
We have selected personnel, among others, for:
- production company "Rial-5",
furniture company "Siat", production company "Spark",
bank "Nadra", production company "Agropromkomplekt",
production company "Laktalis-Ukraine" etc.
Selecting staff in 2003: What must a Manager/Designer for a furniture gallery be like?
- Ambitious, with their own purposes in life and ways to achieve them clearly defined;
- Must strive to control their destiny, to follow their convictions and principles, to independently make decisions and plans;
- Also, must strive to establish and strengthen their position in the society;
- Must display thoroughness and deliberation in making decisions;
- Must be able to control their own actions and decision, and possess self-discipline. However, the person must be able to admit being wrong, preferably with no aggression.
((From materials on selecting a Manager/Designer for the salon "DE LUX")
Stages of selecting a manager for retail/wholesale store:
1. In a business game, you will have to demonstrate your communicative abilities and negotiation skills.
2. You will have to write a concise report on a certain food product and its position in the market (producers, suppliers, types of the product, prices).
3. You will demonstrate your ability to make contracts, working immediately with prospective customers, with the game situation turning into reality. (From materials on selecting personnel for the food products warehouse "Variator" )
Don'ts of a Deputy Executive
(From materials on selecting a deputy director for a cell phone salon "Bell")
Undesirable are inclinations towards theft, cheating, or untidiness.
No "pulling the blanket over yourself" :-))
However, you do have to have perfect organizational skills, to have at least a basic understanding of human psychology, to know the cell phone market, and to be a decent, balanced, attentive, and communicable person.