From Svitlana:
What is my reason for this? I simply want a celebration! I am just tired of the negativity, which is trying to trickle into my home from the screen, so I rarely turn on the TV. It is POSITIVE news I want!
I believe that even in the face of severe and harsh competition between people, companies and nations, you and I can retain our human faces and create a world, where all people are needed and useful.
The Festival of Tea - in your city?!
The Festival of Tea with international participants is an event that will become part of your city's history as a public holiday of culture and a healthy lifestyle, as one of bringing the best of hospitality traditions back to life.
To help organize The Festival of Tea in your city, student trainees from England, India, China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Russia, Malawi, Kenya, Brazil, Argentina and Indonesia will do their management apprenticeship on the spot and help to organize the arrival of international guests. The Festival of Tea participants will represent the business and social sectors of various "tea countries" in the X city (your city). The apprenticing students will also participate directly in The Festival of Tea in the X city.
At the festival:
- Tea ceremonies from around the world!
- Presentations of various tea brands
Seminars on:
- Tea-drinking traditions from all over the world
- Indian, Ceylon, Chinese and Japanese tea brands and varieties
- The world tea market.
Exposition theme topics:
- Tea company representatives
- Tea packaging plants
- Manufacturers of herbal teas and products with phyto-nutrients
- Packaging producers
- Packaging equipment
- Confectionary manufacturers
- Manufacturers of candy and sweets
- Dishware, china and faience manufacturers
- Trading houses
Artistic program participants:
- Ethnic societies
- Creativity clubs
- Non-profit organizations
- Foreign country representatives
How could our project benefit you?
- You will learn something new about tea and enhance your tea-drinking culture; tea lovers will find out about the existing brands and understand their unique qualities and differences
- Existing tea brands will be positioned with a certain image in the eyes of the consumers
- There will be a new, alcohol-free festivity in your city, free of alcohol
- Consumer interest will increase for tea in general
- You will have new opportunities to expand your business
- A preliminary advertising campaign will be conducted (in the main media)
- It will be an opportunity to have your place in the publications and programs of the world's leading infrastructures
- You will be able to create and consolidate a positive image for your company (it has been demonstrated in practice the world over that a firm's favorable image furthers the demand for its products and services. And company's participation in social-betterment projects, though not directly related to its activities, will enhance its image manifold)
- You will be creating a continuous networking mechanism (the annual Festival of Tea)
- You will attract investments into your city
The Festival of Tea in the "X" City
The festival is announced as a meeting place for all city dwellers who lead a healthy lifestyle, love tea and support the idea of rearing a healthy new generation.
Also, it is a new project for people who are interested in the growth and improvement of their beloved city and keen on attracting new investments, including investments from abroad. The event is several days of intense work.
Design work will be needed to endow the festival with the right ambiance - that of the late 19th century. |
To achieve this effect, all the participants will create various advertising posters and banners, as they desire. These billboards and notices will decorate the hall. During the business part of the festival there will be presentations describing production, sales and consumption of tea and related products.
A sample festival schedule:
European Culture Day
10.00 am (until 6pm) Exposition opens.
11.00 Official opening ceremony.
Organizers and co-organizers are present. (Podium located within the hall)
11.00am. Festival officially commences in the exhibition hall. Bar open.
A jazz band playing by the entrance.
An exposition for those wishing to make themselves known is being held in the hall, promoters are at work.
Then the beginning of the ceremony is announced.
The ceremony includes: video presentations, talks on a healthy lifestyle and tea presentations.
Tea contest nominees may introduce themselves in the following ways:
- video materials (advertising clips or presentations possible)
- if the nominee has no presentation, we can create a live one on their behalf
12:00 pm Press conference for authorized media representatives (in the conference hall)
1:00 pm Seminars. General topics: tea traditions in Europe, modern tea processing and preservations techniques, standards of tea quality
4.30pm Tea ceremonies in European countries (Central Hall, presentation given from the podium)
6.00pm End of first day of the festival
Asian Culture Day
10:00 am (until 6:00 pm) Exposition opens
11:00 am Seminars. Topic: tea distinctions from country to country and among different manufacturers. Speakers: representatives of Indian, Chinese and Ceylon teas (seminar held in the conference hall)
1:30 pm Business training and role playing game for exposition participants: "Do we need a tea association?" (Conducted by the Rara Avis training department)
4:30 pm Tea ceremonies in Asian countries. (Central hall, at the podium)
6.00 pm End of the second day of the festival
Peace day. A day of Asian and European cultures. A day of friendship, collaboration and exchanging experience and traditions.
10:00 am (until 6pm) Exposition opens
11:00 Seminars. Topics: exquisite teas - their varieties, differences among them, their quality and unique characteristics
12:30pm Tea ceremonies in Asian and European
4:30 pm Official closing ceremony for the Festival of Tea events and festivities |
6:00 pm End of the festival. You will receive more detailed information when you become a guest or participant of our festival.
We will be happy to have your help in organizing the Festival of Tea, as a cultural event organizer or an exposition participant. E-mail us your vision of the festival and we will take all your wishes into consideration!